After Effects
Premiere Pro
Sketch Book
Always Empathize
Everyone in this world is equal, and everyone has a unique reality.
Always Learn
Every day is an opportunity to learn something new and grow by 1%.
Never Give Up
Nothing great in life comes easy, don't let anything stop you.
Kris is a Millennial born and raised in the Bay Area. He graduated high school in 2006 and then sought higher education down south, in SoCal. Cal Poly Pomona, to be exact. There, he pushed through his incredible social awkwardness to blossom into a caterpillar and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design.
After crawling through the rat race that is Corporate America, he started finding success by sticking with his passion for creation; always honing his craft. He started in a print shop as an associate and worked his way up to earn the title of Senior User Experience Designer for a Perishable Supply Chain company operating out of California. Unfortunately, the Global Pandemic of 2020 dramatically changed the course of history. Thankfully, Kris adapted, as always, and founded this company in 2022 to stabilize and begin the process of solving humanity’s wickedest problems.
With over 15 years of experience, Kris is finally ready to take on the world head-first. The first goal is to build this company, CMYKris, into something that provides value to others. The current way will be through creative expression and trying to build ethical technical solutions for others that are on their journey to success.
CMYKris is a modern Design Agency in Oakland, California, founded in April of 2022 by Kris Shogren.
The company's primary mission is to provide innovative solutions to humanity's toughest problems. This is a big dream, and it will not happen now, but it will happen in the future. We want to contribute to something positive, different, and genuine; what the world needs right now.
First, we are focusing our professional services on the San Francisco Bay Area through Web Design and Interaction Design services. Feel free to visit the Services Page to learn more about current deliverables and offerings. Kris is also highly active in the community trying to learn more about real people’s problems, maybe you will run into him. If you do, say hello!
CMYKris is currently hosting an experimental collaborative project for artists worldwide. Anyone who creates digital art is free to contribute anything they like. Check out the Creative Collective page if you are interested!
The acronym C, M, Y, K, represents the 4-color print process that is a standard printing method around the world. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black (Key) colors are utilized in combination to represent all colors of the rainbow on a piece of paper. Here at CMYKris, we value a process for every method and a method for every process. The print industry is also where Kris started his career as a Graphic Designer.
“Kris” represents Kris, the founder of the company. Why the K? The name with a K is the Swedish spelling of the Western name “Chris”; Kris is part Swedish. One-half of his family immigrated here to the Bay Area and found success in the Education and Farming Industries.
Kris believes in leadership from the front lines, not the back. To make a difference in this world, you need to get your hands dirty. He also believes in building Brands first then companies second.